If you are able to login to the site, you can use the Partnership Desk.
The page is intended to help players seeking partners or teammates from the club for play either at the club or elsewhere. Entries can be removed manually by the player who created them. Otherwise, entries will be removed automatically when the date of the event has passed.
To do so:
- Login to the club site
- Click the Partnership Desk menu item
- To request a partner or teammate at the club or a player from the club for a tournament, fill out and submit the request form.
- The entry automatically contains your name.
- Enter your status as LM (Life Master) or NLM (Non-Life Master) from the selection box.
- The selection box initially assumes NLM.
- The selection box remembers your status as entered for future use.
- Enter the date of the event. Invalid dates are rejected with the message, "You entered an invalid date."
- Optionally, enter an event name of up to 128 characters.
- For pairs games at the club, you can leave this field blank unless you wish to specify which 499er or Open on days with multiple games.
- For tournament events or other games, you should describe the tournament and session, e.g. Gold Rush Pairs at Gatlinburg, Tues-Wed.
- Upon submittal, the player and associated information will be listed under the heading "Players Seeking Partners or Teammates" below the data entry form. The requesting player's telephone numbers and email address from the player database will be attached to the listing.
- Players who have entered requests will see a Remove button to the left of each of their entries.
- People seeking partners or teammates should check the listing and contact the listed player by phone or email.
- When you have secured a partner or teammate, please remove your request by clicking the Remove button to the left of your request in the table. If not removed by the player, the system will remove the request after the event date has passed.