If you are able to login to the site, you can access the Email and Phone List:
The page is intended to help players communicate with other players.
To do so:
- Login to the club site
- Click the Player List menu item
- When the Player List appears, click the Email and Phone List, the last item on the menu.
- The list will appear in a different window or tab (the same one used for the Calendar and other supplementary pages).
If this tab is hidden, you may need to bring it to the front.
- The email and phone list may be printed in the same way that you can print any other web page.
- Steps for printing differ from browser to browser, but you typically enter Ctrl-P or click on an icon at the far right of the tool bar at the top of the page. From that point, you may set various parameters such as portrait or landscape orientation, and click on an OK or Print button.
- here are currently 210 names on the Player List, which means that at least 210 lines must be printed. With one set of print parameters (including 100% scaling and portrait orientation), there are 40 printed lines per page, making the list six pages long. Setting the scale to 50% reduces the list to three pages. You may select different combinations to suit your own demands.
- here are, of course, also options to print to a file in a format such as PDF for storage on your smart phone or computer. Any such exporting of the list must be in accordance with the ACBL Privacy Policy to protect our players' personal contact information.