The Fred Tompkins Memorial Duplicate Bridge Club (Fred's Club) hosts weekly open stratified games on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays @ 1:00 pm. Table fees for all games are $6.00 per person except for special games. Fred's Club is located in the Georgia Square Mall* on the Atlanta Highway in Athens, Georgia, 30606. At the mall we are known as the "ATHENS BRIDGE CENTER."
The Monday game features a 0-199 MP section with at least 3 tables present.
A 749er game is held on Tuesdays. Players must register to play under "Game Reservations." A minimum of 2 tables must sign up for the club to open.
We have a 99er game on Thursdays for novices. Come and enjoy a brief lesson Before play. Come with or without a partner.
*We are located on the 2nd level of the mall on the east end near the former J.C. Penney's location. Our sign says "ATHENS BRIDGE CENTER."